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Inka trail 31 Januay
Olivia P.
27. Jan. 2013 18:56


Me and my friend Vanja have paid and booked to do the inka trail the on 31 of January. We both really want to do it but at the moment we are both sick and not sure if we will be able to. We are going to the hospital tomorrow to see if we can get some help from there. If we are so sick that we can't to the trek, we'll we be able to get some of our money back? We are arriving in Cusco tomorrow night so we're planning on coming to your office Tuesday morning. We can discuss this further then if we still are sick and feel that we can't to the trek.

Kind regards


Re: Inka trail 31 Januay
Messages: 825
27. Jan. 2013 20:09

Dear Olivia,

We are sorry to hear you are sick however, as we explain on our website, there are no refunds at all if the cancellation is less than 8 days before the trek. Yes, please, come to our agency in Cusco to see what we can do. We cannot make any refund but you can still use some of the services you already have: entrance to Machu Picchu, bus down, lunch, guide, train back to Cusco. So, even if you don't do the trek, you can still visit Machu Picchu on Feb 3 and only pay the bus down and the train to get there.

We really hope you will get better to do the trek or at least visit Machu Picchu later.

Best regards,

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