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Letztes Update: 19. Mai 2022

Vorstellung der Machu Picchu Tour

Do we still need to present the famous Citadel of Machu Picchu? In 1911, the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham discovered by chance the Citadel, which was inhabited by a couple of Indians who cultivated the terraces. This place, located at 68 miles from Cusco, the capital of the Ancient Inca Empire, was considered a myth for a long time and many people tried to find it in vain. The name Machu Picchu means the old mountain in Quecha, the local language. Although the site is immense (172 buildings on 80 acres), it reminded hidden from Spanish conquistadors who searched not only gold, which was present in many sites, but for believes and divine representations in order to destroy them and impose catholic religion. The visitor who goes to the Citadel will quickly understand why they didn't find it: the site is completely invisible from the valey and it is only almost when arriving up the hill that they can finally see it.

Until now we don't know much about Machu Picchu because Inca civilization didn't know the writing. Was it a fortress against the invasion of Amazon tribes? Was it a religious sanctuary or a worship place dedicated to the sun god who was venerated back then? Or was it a refuge for the Virgins of the Sun or a simple vacation place for the Inca?

Many people think Machu Picchu is without any doubt the most spectacular pre-Columbian monument in South America. In 1983, the site has been classified by Unesco as a Cultural Heritage for Humanity. In July 2007, it has been chosen as one of the new 7 wonders of the world.

Präsentation der Machu Picchu-TourMachu Picchu
Präsentation der Machu Picchu-TourView from the train

What is the Machu Picchu tour?

The tour is open to every body, for all ages, all year round. It begins in Cusco with a journey by train, through the Urubamba Valley, to the small town of Aguas Calientes, which is below Machu Picchu. The train trip itself is delightful. The journey crosses small villages and goes along the Urubamba River. Once in Aguas Calientes, only a bus and 20 minutes separate you from the Citadel. The visit will let you appreciate the day spent in this magical site which has kept so many mysteries for centuries. At the end of the visit, some people will choose to visit the nearby mountain, the Waynna Picchu and its ruins. After lunch, some people would prefer to return to Cusco by train. Others would rather stay one more day and spend the night in Aguas Calientes to, maybe, visit the Citadel one more time or, why not, see the sunrise in Machu Picchu.

We invite you to do this fabulous and unforgettable tour and see a legend, a mystery, a wonder, and centuries of history in only one day.
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